This list is not complete in any way! Do you know someone who should be included? Let me know! sharon at dimensionsvariable dot org
A Beautiful Resistance, Gods & Radicals Press
A Little Juju Podcast —podcast hosted by Sam/Juju Bae centering Black spiritual practices and liberation
Aidan Wachter —author of Six Ways and Weaving Fate, two truly profound and poetic works that will sharpen your magical practice
Althaea Sebastiani—spiritworker and priest, writer and teacher of witchcraft and animism
Amanda Edmiston, Botanica Fabula--Scottish herbalist, folklorist, and artist
Anthony Murphy, Mythical Ireland —legends, folklore, and history
Asha Frost —Ojibwe healer and teacher
Ash William Mills--Scottish Cunning Ways
Britton Boyd—spiritworker, witch, tarot & bone reader, and writer; co-host of Invoking Witchcraft
Chasing Foxfire—a podcast hosted by Cory Hutcheson on American folklore and history
Cunning Folk Magazine
Emma Kathryn —spiritual practitioner working in European folk magic and ADR, writer in London
Fiddler's Green | Peculiar Parish Magazine
Folklore For Resistance
Gemma Gary—British traditional witchcraft
Gods & Radicals Press
Invoking Witchcraft —podcast hosted by Britton Boyd and J Allen Cross
J Allen Cross—Mexican, Indigenous, and European-American witch, writer, and author of American Brujeria and co-host of Invoking Witchcraft
Dr. Jacqui Wilkins—Indigenous doctor, herbalist, healer, and teacher
Jen Rue, Rue and Hyssop, writer and creator in British Columbia
Jimmy Ó Briain Billings, Tuiscint na Talún, courses, classes, and writing centered around decolonial practices of land reconnection/restoration in Ireland
Kat Larson — Seattle-based artist, philosopher, tarot reader, and Reiki practitioner
Lora O’Brien— author and educator of native Irish spiritual traditions, histories, and folklore
Lisa Fazio, The Root Circle—practitioner of Italian folk magic, teacher, herbalist
Lucy O'Hagan, Wild Awake Ireland— teacher and educator around relearning ancestral skills and practices, and publisher of Airmid's Journal
Meagan Angus — Seattle-based writer, artist, astrologer, tarot reader, and teacher
Milla Prince— Finnish and Palestinian folk herbalist, writer, teacher, and owner of Northsea Apothecary
Morgan Daimler—independent scholar and writer on fae/fairies/good neighbors; exceptional material especially in regards to the pushback of popular cultural tropes around fairies
Negarra A. Kudumu— Seattle based independent scholar, writer, and curator working in art and healing; Yayi Nkisi Malongo in the Brama Con Brama lineage of Palo Mayombe; she is a lay person in the Lukumi Pimienta lineage; a practitioner of Espiritismo Cruzado
New World Witchery— podcast hosted by Cory Hutcheson and Laine on American folk magic, interviews, and more
Oath Bound Secrets— lectures on English witchcraft with a keen focus on contemporary liberatory politics
Occvlta— teachers of witch lore, folklore, animism, and plant lore based in the Pyrenees, Catalonia
Ozark Healing Traditions — Brandon Weston's website, blog, and resources on Ozark folk practices
Pamela Norrie, Hag O' The Hills & Hearth and Hame— Scottish folk magic and folklore
Queer Nature, Pınar Sinopoulos-Lloyd and So Sinopoulos-Lloyd, connection to land and place for LGBTQAI, nonbinary, Two-Spirit peoples and allies
Rebecca Beyer, Blood & Spicebush --Appalachian folk magic practitioner, animist, herbal guide and teacher with a background in anthropology
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen, Nordic Animism— historian of Nordic religion with focus on preservation of cultural knowledge and animism with an emphasis on social political awareness and environmental action
Sarah Anne Lawless, Banefolk— herblore, herbalism, folklore, and baneful plant researcher in Ontario
Sarah Corbett, Rowan & Sage — Georgia-based herbalist who also shares great resources and information on her accompanying blog, courses, and classes
Satarra Troutman— great resource on ancestral practices and divination from the Hoodoo Conjurer tradition
Scoil Bhean Feasa-- courses and classes on native Irish traditions
Scott Richardson-Read, Cailleach’s Herbarium— Scottish folk traditions and animism
Seo Helrune — great blog from the perspective of Anglo-Saxon/Norse Heathenry/traditional perspective
Southern Bramble Podcast —Southern witchcraft and more hosted by Austin & Marshall
Tara Ní Máirín, Catalyst Community Herbals— Irish traditional herbalist and activist in Canada
The Cunning Wife — fantastic writing on animism, ancestor practices, and folk magic
Unfettered Wood — fantastic Gaelic polytheist and folk magic resource
Val Thomas— Norfolk witchcraft and magic
Via Hedera — syncretic American folk traditions /green witchcraft based in the PNW
Viridis Genii— publisher and producer/host of the annual Viridis Genii Symposium
A Little Juju Podcast —podcast hosted by Sam/Juju Bae centering Black spiritual practices and liberation
Aidan Wachter —author of Six Ways and Weaving Fate, two truly profound and poetic works that will sharpen your magical practice
Althaea Sebastiani—spiritworker and priest, writer and teacher of witchcraft and animism
Amanda Edmiston, Botanica Fabula--Scottish herbalist, folklorist, and artist
Anthony Murphy, Mythical Ireland —legends, folklore, and history
Asha Frost —Ojibwe healer and teacher
Ash William Mills--Scottish Cunning Ways
Britton Boyd—spiritworker, witch, tarot & bone reader, and writer; co-host of Invoking Witchcraft
Chasing Foxfire—a podcast hosted by Cory Hutcheson on American folklore and history
Cunning Folk Magazine
Emma Kathryn —spiritual practitioner working in European folk magic and ADR, writer in London
Fiddler's Green | Peculiar Parish Magazine
Folklore For Resistance
Gemma Gary—British traditional witchcraft
Gods & Radicals Press
Invoking Witchcraft —podcast hosted by Britton Boyd and J Allen Cross
J Allen Cross—Mexican, Indigenous, and European-American witch, writer, and author of American Brujeria and co-host of Invoking Witchcraft
Dr. Jacqui Wilkins—Indigenous doctor, herbalist, healer, and teacher
Jen Rue, Rue and Hyssop, writer and creator in British Columbia
Jimmy Ó Briain Billings, Tuiscint na Talún, courses, classes, and writing centered around decolonial practices of land reconnection/restoration in Ireland
Kat Larson — Seattle-based artist, philosopher, tarot reader, and Reiki practitioner
Lora O’Brien— author and educator of native Irish spiritual traditions, histories, and folklore
Lisa Fazio, The Root Circle—practitioner of Italian folk magic, teacher, herbalist
Lucy O'Hagan, Wild Awake Ireland— teacher and educator around relearning ancestral skills and practices, and publisher of Airmid's Journal
Meagan Angus — Seattle-based writer, artist, astrologer, tarot reader, and teacher
Milla Prince— Finnish and Palestinian folk herbalist, writer, teacher, and owner of Northsea Apothecary
Morgan Daimler—independent scholar and writer on fae/fairies/good neighbors; exceptional material especially in regards to the pushback of popular cultural tropes around fairies
Negarra A. Kudumu— Seattle based independent scholar, writer, and curator working in art and healing; Yayi Nkisi Malongo in the Brama Con Brama lineage of Palo Mayombe; she is a lay person in the Lukumi Pimienta lineage; a practitioner of Espiritismo Cruzado
New World Witchery— podcast hosted by Cory Hutcheson and Laine on American folk magic, interviews, and more
Oath Bound Secrets— lectures on English witchcraft with a keen focus on contemporary liberatory politics
Occvlta— teachers of witch lore, folklore, animism, and plant lore based in the Pyrenees, Catalonia
Ozark Healing Traditions — Brandon Weston's website, blog, and resources on Ozark folk practices
Pamela Norrie, Hag O' The Hills & Hearth and Hame— Scottish folk magic and folklore
Queer Nature, Pınar Sinopoulos-Lloyd and So Sinopoulos-Lloyd, connection to land and place for LGBTQAI, nonbinary, Two-Spirit peoples and allies
Rebecca Beyer, Blood & Spicebush --Appalachian folk magic practitioner, animist, herbal guide and teacher with a background in anthropology
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen, Nordic Animism— historian of Nordic religion with focus on preservation of cultural knowledge and animism with an emphasis on social political awareness and environmental action
Sarah Anne Lawless, Banefolk— herblore, herbalism, folklore, and baneful plant researcher in Ontario
Sarah Corbett, Rowan & Sage — Georgia-based herbalist who also shares great resources and information on her accompanying blog, courses, and classes
Satarra Troutman— great resource on ancestral practices and divination from the Hoodoo Conjurer tradition
Scoil Bhean Feasa-- courses and classes on native Irish traditions
Scott Richardson-Read, Cailleach’s Herbarium— Scottish folk traditions and animism
Seo Helrune — great blog from the perspective of Anglo-Saxon/Norse Heathenry/traditional perspective
Southern Bramble Podcast —Southern witchcraft and more hosted by Austin & Marshall
Tara Ní Máirín, Catalyst Community Herbals— Irish traditional herbalist and activist in Canada
The Cunning Wife — fantastic writing on animism, ancestor practices, and folk magic
Unfettered Wood — fantastic Gaelic polytheist and folk magic resource
Val Thomas— Norfolk witchcraft and magic
Via Hedera — syncretic American folk traditions /green witchcraft based in the PNW
Viridis Genii— publisher and producer/host of the annual Viridis Genii Symposium